In list format b/c I am a list-maker at heart...
- Though I am sick of the rain, the cloudy skies and booming thunder do create a nice cozy atmosphere for cuddling with my sweet toddler boy.
- Cleaning out the oven is a miserable job. Ick.
- Cleaning out under the kitchen sink isn't much better than cleaning out the oven.
- Jaron is looking like he could use a hair cut, but I just simply cannot stand the thought of cutting it. The shaggy look is in, right?! My own bangs are in need of some attention, but I cannot figure out what to do with them. Cut, or grow? Opinions anyone?
- My ab workout is seriously kicking my butt, or more correctly, my abs. OUCH!
- Is there no end to the laundry pile?!?
- Been doing a word study on Salt in the bible. Very interesting topic, believe it or not. There's a blog post ruminating in the depth's of my heart. I will post it when I can figure out how to make it make sense! :)
- My brother keeps telling me to stop planning for our family vacation so soon. He thinks that a month in advance is too soon. What's even funnier, he thinks telling me to stop will actually make me stop. Ha!!
- On the topic of the family vacation-- I am getting so very excited for it. My whole family will be renting a beach house down in South Carolina. My folks, both brothers and sisters-in-law, and the hubs, babe and I will all be under 1 roof for a whole week. Crazy, fun, chaos will ensue!! I cannot wait!
Okay, I think that's the jest of the randomness. If you're still reading, then you're very loyal and faithful. I think I would have clicked on by now!! :)
Happy Wednesday! :)